Volunteers and non-executive committee members manage STaR. These members are dynamic, enthusiastic and highly competent in their respective fields. They oversee the management team and meet bi-monthly. For a copy of our strategic plan for 2017-2022 and our annual report, please visit our resources page. Our policies and procedures are available on request. We can help with other formats or languages if you need them.
Dr Coral Kemp
Founding Director
Coral is a qualified teacher, special educator and teacher-trainer. Over the years, she has established and coordinated many projects relating to the education of children, in particular young children with disabilities and other special needs.
She has held supervisory positions in two state education systems and has been a consultant for the state and independent sectors in NSW. Coral is also a Founding Director of the Institute of Special Educators (InSpEd).
Since the early 1990s, Coral has held the following positions at Macquarie University:
- Assistant Director of Macquarie University Special Education Centre (MUSEC)
- Deputy Principal and Acting Principal at MUSEC Special School; and
- Team Leader of the Early Years Initiative at MUSEC.
She has also convened a number of university courses, including the Postgraduate Certificate in Early Intervention.
Valentina Borbone
Valentina is an experienced marketer, working with an impressive range of clients including Apple, FOXTEL, Macquarie University, BDCU Alliance Bank and realestate.com.au to name a few.
Currently, Valentina is the owner and CEO of Banter Group, a full service marketing agency; is an expert advisor for The International Social Media Association; an experienced Digital Marketing trainer; and a seasoned presenter and facilitator.
Valentina’s daughter, Angelique, enrolled in the STaR program in 2013. Valentina experienced STaR program results very early in Angelique’s inclusion program and has continued to support STaR’s growth in every way to enable other children to participate successfully in their social and educational contexts.
Margaret Meaker
Chief Executive Office (CEO) (ex officio)
Margaret was appointed as General Manager of the STaR Association in 2006. She was previously Treasurer (2001) and President (2002-2005).
Margaret has over 20 years’ experience working in the community services sector, with management positions for many non-government organisations. This included managing the Community Access and Integration Programs for Residential Care Inc, an accommodation support service for adults with intellectual disabilities.
She has also worked for the Benevolent Society in aged care, establishing and managing community aged care packages on Sydney’s Northern beaches, which enabled people to remain living independently in their own homes for as long as possible.
Margaret’s daughter, Lilian, was one of the first children to enrol in the STaR program in 2002. Margaret’s motivation remains very personal as she believes her daughter’s ability to learn and participate socially was enhanced forever because she attended a STaR centre for 3 years.
Rebekah Grace
Rebekah is an Associate Professor at Western Sydney University and has worked as a member of the STaR Research Committee since 2014. Rebekah is passionate about understanding and addressing the support needs of children and families who are vulnerable.
Her research has engaged a broad range of families including those who have children with disabilities, those who have been identified as ‘at risk’ by the child protection system, and those who live in communities that experience disadvantage.
Rebekah has extensive experience working in partnership with Australian Aboriginal communities, and a strong commitment to walking alongside Indigenous people to acknowledge and address the profound inequities that exist as the result of past and current legislation and practice.
Kristy Michael
Kristy is an experienced professional who has worked across various consulting and business partnering roles. Kristy brings legal training to her board role at STaR, as well as global experience – having worked in Australia and the UK.
Kristy is currently in a Strategy & Operations role within PwC Australia’s Assurance business, where she is responsible for driving Business Performance, Transformation, Change Management and Communications. She also provides advice and support to leadership teams on business strategy and process improvement.
Kristy is passionate about the work being done by the STaR Association. Having grown up with a sister who spent much of her childhood in and out of hospital, she strongly believes in an organisation that allows families to feel supported in times of need. Kristy is motivated to contribute to STaR’s goals and having a positive impact in the special education space.